Confirmation – 2018

Date: February 18, 2018
Time: 11:15 am

Bishop Susan Goff will visit Aquia Church on the morning of Sunday, Feb. 18, in order to assist with confirmation, reception into The Episcopal Church (for folks who were baptized as adults in another denomination or confirmed in another denomination), and the reaffirmation of baptismal vows. To that end, any teenagers (starting around 7th or 8th grade) or adults who wish to be confirmed, to be received, or to reaffirm their baptismal vows will engage with our clergy throughout January and February on Sunday mornings during the new Morning Call series on discipleship and on a couple of other occasions. If you have questions about these matters, or if you want to register your intention to participate, please notify Sue Selz in the church office or speak with one of the clergy ASAP, with Sunday, Jan. 21 being the last Sunday to enroll in the confirmation class. This visit will likely be the only time that a bishop will be at Aquia Church for confirmation until fall 2019 at the earliest, but there will be additional opportunities for confirmation at other Episcopal churches during that time frame.