Aquia Church Weekly Announcements
ADULT CHOIR HAS RESUMED: Rehearsals for the adult choir are held on Thursdays, starting at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in joining should contact our director of music, Trystan Bennett (
BLESSING WITH THE BACKPACKS: Now that the new school year has begun for basically everyone in public schools, private schools, home schools, and colleges, we invite everyone involved with schools—not only students but also teachers, administrators, and support staff—to bring your backpack or bookbag to church on this coming Sunday, Sept. 15 at any worship service, so that you may receive a blessing for your academic year.
MORNING CALL: Morning Call is our Sunday morning forum for adult formation and discussion, held in the great hall (9:30—10:15 a.m.). On this coming Sunday, Sept. 15, Father Morris will begin a new Morning Call series titled “Why These Four Gospels?” which should be informative for anyone of any age or any background seeking to learn more about the Bible. Among those especially invited to attend are parents and grandparents of students in grades pre-K through 12th grade who are attending Sunday school downstairs at the same time.
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Our “What Would Jesus Brew?” ministry with young adults will hold their September meeting on this coming Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Church of the Messiah (12201 Spotswood Furnace Lane, Fredericksburg—just off Rt 3 W near Chancellor). We will have a conversation about the Seventh of the Ten Commandments. Dinner will be provided, but childcare will not be provided. The group generally meets on the third Tuesday of each month, alternating between Aquia Church and Church of the Messiah, with an occasional gathering elsewhere (such as a local restaurant). For more information, or in order to reserve your place, please contact Father James Rickenbaker (
OUR NEXT YOUTH SUNDAY for children of all ages will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22.
SUNDAY SCHOOL YEAR HAS BEGUN: Your child or grandchild is welcomed and invited to start attending (with parents and grandparents welcomed to attend Morning Call in the great hall during the same time, 9:30—10:30 a.m.). Sunday school classes are available for students in pre-K through 5th grade on the lower level of the CFFB. Please get your students registered for Sunday school as soon as possible through the following link <>. Students in grades preK-5 will register according to their grade level; students in middle school or high school will register as “youth.”
YOUTH GROUP EVENING MEETINGS: Our youth group for teens in grades 6-12 have its next evening meeting on Sunday, Sept. 22 (5:00—6:00 p.m.) in the youth group room on the lower level of the CFFB, with refreshments served, and will continue every other Sunday (so again on Oct. 6, Oct. 20, etc.) unless we arrange well in advance for an evening activity on a different day or at a different time (for example, the tentative date for our group trip to Kings Dominion’s Halloween Haunt is Friday, Sept. 27). In addition, our youth group’s morning meetings take place basically every Sunday morning of the school year (9:30—10:15 a.m.) in the youth group room. For more information, please contact one of the clergy.
FALL FEST FLEA MARKET: Our flea market team will be ready to receive your gently used items for donation starting on this coming Monday, Sept. 16 as follows: Mondays 9am—4pm, Wednesdays 9am—2pm, and Fridays 9am—4pm, all in the lower level of the 1960 parish house. In addition, we might be able to make appointments for receiving donated items at other times, particularly Sundays. For assistance with flea market donations, please contact Jennifer Stoltz (
VOLUNTEERING AND DONATING FOR FALL FEST: The sign-up sheet for volunteering to help with one of the Fall Fest departments is available at church today. Our storage unit for receiving small pieces of furniture (meaning: can be carried by one person or perhaps two people) will be available starting on Wednesday, Sept. 18. PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT receiving LARGE pieces of furniture this year (if you want to donate heavy or bulky pieces of furniture, please contact some other organization like Habitat for Humanity or the Salvation Army, because they might come pick up that furniture from you in ways that we cannot this year).
UPDATES FOR THE FALL FEST AUCTION (Saturday, Oct. 5 at 11:00 a.m. in the great hall of the CFFB): Some awesome items have just been added to the auction! Here are the latest and more:
- Forest Greens Colf Club: Foursome with complimentary greens fees
- Augustine Golf Club: 4 greens fees plus cart
- Aquia Harbour Golf Club: 4 rounds of 18 holes of golf
- A Handsome Quilt in rich Fall Colors: Pattern name “Tea Time” sewn by Cheri Cuff
- A signed copy of Jawbone Holler, an historic fiction novel written by Mace Thornton
- Robiolina Italian Restaurant: $50 gift card
There is something for EVERYONE in the auction. For a complete list of items in the auction, see the poster on the church’s front gate next week or reach out to Mary Jane Cole ( for a copy. To learn more about the auction and all the other happenings at Fall Fest, follow our group on Facebook: “Fall Fest at Aquia Church.” “Like” and “share” our posts to spread the news.
ATTENTION ACTIVE-DUTY MILITARY AND VETERANS: If someone in your family is active-duty military, would you notify the church office with that person’s name, branch of service, and current station or place of deployment? If someone in your family is retired/former military, would you notify the church office with that person’s name, branch of service, and dates of service? We want to compile a list of active-duty military personnel and a list of military veterans for our prayers and for recognition. Please give the information to Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007).
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: For a couple of months, Father Morris will continue his new evening Bible study series on the Book of Genesis. Some of the most beloved and most famous passages in the Bible appear in Genesis (the creation of the world, for example, plus the flood and Noah’s ark), along with some of the strangest and most startling passages as well (consider the start of Gen. 6 and the binding of Isaac in Gen. 22). This new series, full of surprises, will begin at 7:00 p.m. online at our Facebook page <>. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still access this series simply by clicking on the given occasion. Also, you do not have to watch the broadcasts live; the videos are stored there for your viewing at any subsequent time that is more convenient for you. If you have never been involved in a Bible study before, or if it’s been a while since you attended a Bible study, or if you want to dive deeper into this important book, then this series will be a good opportunity for you.
THURSDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Father Rickenbaker’s series on “The Bible and the Book of Common Prayer” is well underway. The series will continue to cover how the Book of Common Prayer uses the Bible, how the BCP forms us biblically, and why we say what we say in worship, especially on Sunday mornings. We hope you can join us in person (starting at 6:00 p.m.). If not, the broadcasts are available online at our Facebook page <>.
RETIRING OUR MORTGAGE DEBT: Aquia Church has received a commitment for a new matching challenge to help us retire the mortgage debt for the Christian Formation and Fellowship Building. Every donation received for the new building throughout this calendar year will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000.00, so that we can continue to pay off the mortgage ahead of schedule, with reduced interest payments and reduced overall expense. This challenge is retroactive to January 1, 2024, so that any donation for this purpose made earlier this year can be counted toward the match alongside any contribution made after this announcement. In order to ensure that your tax-deductible donation is credited properly, please make sure that your gift is clearly marked with something like “new building” on the memo line of your check or on the envelope. As of Sept. 8, the amount received toward this matching challenge is $41,817.12. Can you make a gift that will help us reach our goal? Every donation matters.
FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST: There are plenty of Sundays awaiting folks to offer to serve as hosts, starting with Sunday, Sept. 22. If you want to serve as a breakfast host for any Sunday in the months ahead, please use the signup sheet at the back of the church, or contact Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007). Please consider taking a turn in promoting fellowship within our parish through this weekly breakfast. The breakfast can be as simple or elaborate as you wish to provide.
FROM OUR FOOD MINISTRIES: The long lines of guests coming on Wednesdays for food from Aquia’s Pantry and Aquia’s Table likely reflect the ongoing financial need among so many neighbors around us. This level of outreach is possible because of the generosity of support from faithful volunteers and donations from many different people and groups—from among our parishioners and beyond our church membership. If you can offer some support to these ministries (especially with your time on Tuesday mornings and during the day and early evening on Wednesdays or with financial contributions), your help will be deeply appreciated. Also, as part of our ongoing effort for good stewardship at various levels, Aquia’s Table will prepare a maximum total of 375 meals each week, and Aquia’s Pantry will distribute groceries to a maximum of 140 households each week.
EARLY SEPTEMBER PANTRY UPDATES: The foodbank shelves are now bare, so Aquia’s Pantry is purchasing the canned goods that we offer each week. We have an urgent need for pasta sauce, canned vegetables, and beans, as well as cereal and brown paper grocery bags. Any contribution you can make would be appreciated to allow us to fill bags for 120 to 130 families weekly.
We continue to thank God for the extra fresh-from-the-farm produce and eggs given to us by SERVE as they share their gifts from a grant they received this summer. We are also grateful for the bread, produce, and meat that we receive weekly from the local grocery stores, and we are thankful for the extra hands that He has sent us while we are missing a considerable number of our core volunteers.
If you have ever considered helping at the Pantry, now would be a great time to volunteer. During the month of September, a significant number of our volunteers are out of town. On Wednesday mornings we need a pickup truck and driver to go to Publix and the nearby Sheetz. On Wednesday afternoons, there are bags to pack, and on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the bags need to be loaded onto carts and wheeled out to cars. Please consider giving a gift of time to help our neighbors who struggle with food insecurity. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Ron Korth, Barb Bingay, or Mary Jane Cole (
INVITATION FROM AQUIA’S TABLE: Aquia’s Table is recruiting volunteers to assist with baking or preparing desserts (either at home or at the church kitchen on Tuesdays: cookies, brownies, crispy rice treats, cakes, etc.) and to assist occasionally with preparing meals when others might be unable to serve. In recent weeks, we have been serving 350-400 guests, and some extra help with fixing desserts and meals from time to time would be welcomed. In order to offer your hands-on help, please contact Briget Kane (
ATTENTION GARDENERS AND FLOWER-LOVERS: The work to upgrade and beautify your garden really starts in the fall, when you plant your spring flowering bulbs and plants. Aquia Church is now a participant in the fundraising program sponsored by Brent and Becky’s, a premier family-owned-and-operated horticultural business based in Gloucester, Virginia. Simply go to this link <>, select Aquia Episcopal Church from the drop-down menu, follow the instructions, and Aquia Church will receive a donation equal to 25% of your purchase.
ALTAR FLOWERS: Those who want to donate flowers during 2024 in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for someone or something may contact Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007) and select a particular Sunday; the signup sheet is also available on the short table at the back of the church. The cost is $50/week. Even if a given Sunday has already been claimed, you may add your name and dedication for that same Sunday. Traditionally, we do not have flower arrangements during Advent or Lent, but most other Sundays during the year remain available.
BUSY BAGS: Busy bags are available in the historic church for our youngest members. A child’s Bible, activity pages, drawing paper, and crayons are available in canvas bags when you enter the church. Please take one bag per family and return it after the service ends.
NURSERY AVAILABLE: Our nursery, located on the lower level of the Christian Formation and Fellowship Building (just across the hallway from the elevator), is available for the 10:30 a.m. worship service, with coverage provided by caring, trained, and experienced staff—plus lots of toys, diapers and wipes, a pack-and-play, and whatever else your child or grandchild might need.
ELECTRONIC BROADCASTS: We offer broadcasts of Sunday morning worship at 7:30 a.m., Morning Prayer on most weekdays at 8:00 a.m., and our midweek Bible studies as well. These broadcasts are particularly helpful for those who are unable to attend in person due to illness, travel, or work. The broadcasts are available online at our church’s Facebook page, which is <>. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still access the broadcasts simply by clicking on the given occasion. Also, you do not have to watch the event live; the videos are stored there for your viewing at any subsequent time that is more convenient for you.
If you want to be added to our e-mail distribution list for weekly announcements and special updates or for the monthly Cross Section newsletter, simply notify Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007).