Announcements: Week of Sunday, January 28th 2018
What Would Jesus Brew?
On Tuesday, January 23rd, we will have our next installment of What Would Jesus Brew (our young adult ministry). The question we will be discussing is: “Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?” Come to El Gran Charro Mexican Restaurant at 7pm for some good food, good fellowship, and a rousing discussion about the role that baptism plays in our life now and for eternity. If you have questions about WWJB, get in touch with Fr. Rickenbaker at
Valentines Dinner
The youth group is holding a Valentines Dinner on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 10, as their major fundraiser for the year. Tickets go on sale this Sunday. Check with your date, your spouse, or a group of friends who want to enjoy an elegant evening together, and make plans to attend.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Served in the great hall on Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 5:00pm till 7:30pm. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
Ash Wednesday: The Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes will be offered on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 12:00noon and 7:00pm. Please begin the season of Lent together in worship with your fellow Christians, either at Aquia Church or elsewhere if necessary.
Thursday Evening Lenten Dinner-And-Discussion Series: Starting on Thursday, Feb. 15 (from 6:30pm till 8:30pm) and running for just six Thursdays total, our Lenten dinner-and-discussion series will be held in the great hall. A simple but hearty meal will be available starting at 6:30pm, including vegan/vegetarian options, followed by presentation and discussion about this year’s topic: “Forgiveness in the Bible and in Everyday Life.” We’ll explore the connections among what God in Christ has done to forgive us, what he expects from us in return, and how our relationships at home, work, school, neighborhood, church, and the wider world ultimately rely on forgiveness. A brief but helpful book about forgiveness will be available for purchase, and your clergy will provide handouts to enrich the discussion. After children eat upstairs, childcare will be provided on the lower level throughout the evening. A copy of our study book on forgiveness will be ordered for you upon payment of $15.00 (cash or check payable to Jay Morris). In order to reserve your copy of the book and in order to indicate how many people you will bring to dinner, please use the sign up sheet at the back of the church or contact Father Morris directly ( or 540-659-4007 at the church office).
Youth Group: The Youth Group for teenagers in grades 6-12 will meet next on Sunday, Jan. 28, from 4pm till 6pm, with dinner served, as part of our every-other-week schedule. Teenagers are expected to bring $40 each in order to cover their meals at most evening meetings for the school year, and parents are expected to provide meals at evening meetings once or twice during the school year (with reimbursement up to $80/meal available); no meals for February or afterward have been scheduled yet. Please contact Father Morris ( or 540-659-4007 at the church office) in order to schedule your family's turns providing meals and in order to submit your teenager's meal money. In addition to the evening meetings, the youth group meets on Sunday mornings during the time for Sunday school: the middle school group meets in the new building downstairs, while the high school group meets upstairs in the great hall as part of Morning Call.
Morning Call: Our Sunday morning forum for adult education and discussion continues today with a new series on discipleship. We meet in the great hall of the new building, starting around 10:20am. This series is available for everyone in high school and above.
Wednesday Bible Studies: Our midweek Bible studies on Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening will continue this week. The Wednesday morning Bible study (10:30am--12:00noon), led by Father Rickenbaker, will focus on the New Testament Letters of 1, 2, and 3 John. The Wednesday evening Bible study (7:00pm—8:30pm), led by Father Morris, will focus on the New Testament Letter to the Ephesians. A new Bible study in the new year is a wonderful way to make new friends, so come join us, especially if you have never participated in a Bible study before! Both studies meet in the downstairs conference room of the new building.
Annual Pledge Update: If you have not yet submitted your pledge card with a financial commitment to God's mission and ministry at Aquia Church for 2018, then please do so soon, so that we can plan more effectively for our work together during the coming year. Pledge cards are available from the tall table at the back of the church and from the church office. If you have submitted your pledge card, then please accept our gratitude for sharing in the work of God's kingdom. As of 7 January, we have received 92 pledge cards from adults for $354,260.00 and 8 pledge cards from children and youth for $561.
Lenten Cross: All Ministry Chairs should submit their needs in writing, by email to Michael Golas ( on or before February 7 so your request can be added to the Lenten Cross.
Museum of the Bible: We are planning to take a group bus trip led by Father Morris to the recently opened Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., on Monday, Feb. 19 (on the Presidents Day federal holiday and school holiday). This non-denominational/non-sectarian museum -- located only three blocks from the National Mall and with Smithsonian quality -- has an impressive array of biblical-era artifacts, displays about the history of the Bible and its cultural impact, several exhibits of art reflecting the Bible, a fast-casual restaurant featuring Mediterranean-style cuisine, and a coffee shop. We have reserved a bus and driver who will pick us up at the church parking lot at 8:00am, drop us off at the museum’s front door, and drive us back to church that afternoon by 5:00pm. In order to make your reservation for this trip, please contact Michael Golas directly at church or by e-mail (; also, please submit your payment of $15.00 cash or check payable to Aquia Church (with “fellowship events” marked on your envelope or on your check’s memo line).
First Communion Class: The Season of Lent is the time when Aquia Church offers a special Communion study and preparatory class for children in elementary school. Even if your child has been receiving communion, but has not had formal instruction, we encourage you to take advantage of the classes being offered. This year's First Communion class will meet on Sundays, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, and 3/18 and a celebration dinner on Saturday, 3/24. If your child was not baptized at Aquia Church, the office needs to have a copy of their baptismal certificate before they can start classes. If you are interested in this class for your child please contact Kristen Morgan at
Capital Campaign for New Building: Can you help us achieve our goal for this capital campaign? You can make a tax-deductible gift regardless whether you have made a pledge for this campaign. As of 7 January 2018, there are over $69,000 dollars pledged but not yet paid, with $920,760.88 in total gifts from pledged and unpledged sources. With this capital campaign ending in April 2018, there is indeed time to fulfill your existing pledge or even increase it, but you will want to plan accordingly for the remaining months. There is also opportunity for those who are enjoying our new building but have not yet pledged toward it to make a new pledge or a one-time contribution that will support our efforts to reduce the costs of our construction loan.
Vestry News: At our parish's annual meeting on 7 January, Jean Golas was elected to a full three-year term as an adult member on the vestry (with term expiring at the 2021 annual meeting), and Ethan Shoen was elected to a full one-year term as the youth representative on the vestry (with term running from 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019). Later that week, the vestry appointed Dickie Boes, Kathy Trevarthen, and John Sondermann to serve partial/one-year terms on the vestry (with terms expiring at the 2019 annual meeting). Our officers for the year are: Joe Howard returning as senior warden, Bob Brandon new as junior warden, Doug McGinty returning as register, John Sondermnn new as assistant register, and Chris Arey returning as treasurer. Our vestry committee chairpersons this year are Jean Golas (administration), Bob Brandon (buildings and grounds ex officio), and Dickie Boes (finance). Congratulations to all these folks, with thanks in advance for their ministry on the vestry.
Guild of All Souls: Those faithful departed with connections to Aquia Church being prayed for by the Guild of All Souls this biannual period are as follows: Lucille Way, John Stadnyk, George Selz, Margaret Dopf, Robert Roeder, Elizabeth Buckingham, Claire Bolton, Richard Otterstatter, Patricia Wootten, Michel Parlier, and Stuart Terrass. The Guild of All Souls is a devotional society within the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church that prays for the faithful departed. For more information about this group and its ministry, please contact parishioner William Johnston, who is a member of this guild.