
Aquia Church Weekly Announcements




IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER: When snow/ice prompts Stafford County Public Schools to close, all in-person activities at Aquia Church that day will close as well; that is particularly true for Aquia’s Pantry and Aquia’s Table, which do not operate when the roads are unsafe with snow/ice. If snow/ice prompts us to cancel Sunday worship services, we are usually able to send out notices via e-mail and Facebook. When there are forecasts for snow/ice, we trust parishioners and visitors to exercise caution in trying to attend in-person worship services and other activities, and we encourage you to rely on our Facebook page <> for electronic broadcasts of Morning Prayer and midweek Bible studies.


ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS: We will have our January WWJB (What Would Jesus Brew?) meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 6:00 p.m. at Aquia. We will have a conversation on the 10th Commandment of the Ten Commandments. Supper and childcare will be provided. In order to reserve your meal and/or to request childcare, please contact Father James Rickenbaker ( by 4:00 p.m. on this Friday, Jan. 17.


MORNING CALL: Morning Call is our Sunday morning forum for adult formation and discussion, held in the great hall (9:30—10:15 a.m.). Father Morris continues his new Morning Call series dealing with selected issues in Christian bioethics, which began on Jan. 12.


RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Both of our clergy maintain discretionary funds for providing confidential financial assistance to parishioners, transients, and other neighbors in need for utility cut-off notices, temporary housing, food, and other forms of emergency support. These clergy discretionary accounts receive their funding through honoraria and other donations; they are not regularly supported by the budget. After an autumn and early winter season with many requests for support, Father Morris’s fund is precariously low. Perhaps you could offer a tax-deductible contribution to the rector’s discretionary fund (with “RDF” in the memo line of your check or on your envelope) that would make a favorable difference for folks in need.   


WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Father Morris’s new Wednesday evening series began on Jan. 8 with the Book of Exodus; it’s certainly not too late to join in. This series begins at 7:00 p.m. online at our Facebook page <>. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still access this series simply by clicking on the given occasion. Also, you do not have to watch the broadcasts live; the videos are stored there for your viewing at any subsequent time that is more convenient for you.


THURSDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY:  Father James Rickenbaker continues his new series on the Gospel according to Luke on most Thursday evenings. We hope you can join us in person (starting at 6:00 p.m.); if not, the broadcasts are available online at our Facebook page <>.


RESULTS FROM VESTRY ELECTIONS: At our parish’s annual meeting on Jan. 5, Rick Bryant, Michael Ferrantino, Joe Howard, and Pat Quinn were elected to three-year terms, and Chris Dearing and Carol Korth were elected to one-year terms. We are grateful to have Brad Hammer, Dale Hendon, Bill Hoffman, and Walt Peterson continuing on the vestry. We are also grateful for the ministry of those vestry members whose terms have now expired: Carolyn Hendrickson, Sarah Kirby, Anna Rall, and Penny Stevens.


NOTES FROM OUR TREASURER: For in-kind donations made during 2024 which have not previously been identified, parishioners are asked to provide the receipts to the office as soon as possible. In the event that in-kind receipts are not received by the church office before end-of-year statements are produced, the Treasurer will provide a separate statement for these in-kind donations.

End-of-year contribution statements for 2024 will be available at church in mid-January 2025. Any discrepancies should be referred to Sue Selz, our parish administrator, for resolution.

In the new year, if you are requesting a reimbursement for an in-kind contribution, please consider holding your request until you reach the amount of $25.00. Each of our security-enhanced checks costs nearly a dollar, and postage for mailing each check continues to increase, so we are trying to minimize the cost of producing checks for small dollar amounts. If this is not feasible for you, then we will process your check per your request.


ANNUAL PLEDGE CAMPAIGN: As of Jan. 9, we have received 65 pledge cards with a total of $324,692 for God’s mission and ministry here in 2025—plus 30 pledges for the Heritage Endowment Fund with a total of $116,960. That is encouraging, to be sure, but we have more work to do for operating under a suitable budget for this new year, given that our 2024 budget was over $575,000 not counting the CFFB mortgage. If you have not yet turned in your pledge card with a financial commitment for 2025, then please return it to the church office soon or put it in the offering plate soon. Blank pledge cards are available from the tall table in the back of the historic church or from the church office; we can also provide a small packet of information that explains the importance of pledging. If you have any concerns or questions about pledging, please speak confidentially with Father Morris or with our treasurer, Chris Arey (


RETIRING OUR MORTGAGE DEBT: In 2024, the total amount received for the CFFB mortgage was $186,092.12. That figure includes over $86,000 donated toward the matching challenge goal of $100,000, plus the entire intended amount of the matching offer. Even though we did not quite reach our goal, the anonymous matching gift was received in full, and we gratefully acknowledge that gift. In 2025 we continue to receive contributions (marked for “new building”) toward retiring our mortgage debt.


YOUTH GROUP EVENING MEETINGS: Our next evening meeting for teenagers in grades 6-12 will be held on Sunday, Jan. 26 (5:00—6:00 p.m.) and again on Feb. 9 & 23 on our every-other-week rotations. In addition, our youth group’s morning meetings take place basically every Sunday morning of the school year (9:30—10:15 a.m.) in the youth group room. For more information, please contact one of the clergy.


FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST: There are plenty of Sundays awaiting folks to serve as breakfast hosts in the new year, starting with Feb. 2 & 16. If you want to serve as a breakfast host for any Sunday in the months ahead, please use the signup sheet at the back of the church, or contact Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007). Please consider taking a turn in promoting fellowship within our parish through this weekly breakfast. The breakfast can be as simple or elaborate as you wish to provide.


NEWS FROM AQUIA’S TABLE: For a variety of reasons, Aquia’s Table is shifting gears in its ministry. Effective this week, Aquia’s Table will serve meals on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, rather than every week. Also, there are opportunities for folks to join in the work of this important ministry, whether as a new volunteer or whether returning to involvement—we welcome assistance with food preparation during the day Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with plating the meals on Wednesday evenings, and with baking desserts on your own schedule at home or at church. For more information about how you might support Aquia’s Table, please contact Briget Kane ( Our other food ministry, Aquia’s Pantry, will continue its current schedule of distributing groceries every week.


AQUIA’S PANTRY DECEMBER WRAP-UP: December was a busy month for the Pantry, with 137 families receiving groceries on Dec. 4, 117 families on Dec. 11, and 135 families on Dec. 18. Turkeys and ham, purchased by fellow parishioners, were given to all who wanted them the week before Christmas. We were closed on Christmas Day but reopened to greet our guests on New Year’s Day.

The Pantry received many donations during December. Two families dropped off 50+ boxes of cereal. Another family provided over 300 cans of diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. Many smaller gifts of canned goods, cereal, paper bags, and egg cartons were left anonymously in the great hall. When these were combined with donations of fresh vegetables and fruits, bread, and frozen meat from Target, Walmart Neighborhood Market, Target, Publix, SERVE, and Panera Bread, Aquia’s Pantry was able to distribute a huge amount of nutritious food. Christmas vacation also brought the Pantry extra helping hands from visiting family members. Once again, we thank God for all these gifts from such generous hearts, and for all the hours that our volunteers pour into this ministry every month.

During December, the men who drive their vehicles to the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank for us found a large amount of canned goods received from local food drives. With these, we have been gradually replenishing our supplies for the coming months. Our current needs include boxes of cereal, cans of tomato sauce, and jars of peanut butter, as well as brown paper grocery bags and egg cartons. If you have questions, suggestions, or offers to help, please reach out to Ron Korth, Barb Bingay, or Mary Jane Cole (


FROM OUR FOOD MINISTRIES: The long lines of guests coming on Wednesdays for food from Aquia’s Pantry and Aquia’s Table likely reflect the ongoing financial need among so many neighbors around us. This level of outreach is possible because of the generosity of support from faithful volunteers and donations from many different people and groups—from among our parishioners and beyond our church membership. If you can offer some support to these ministries (especially with your time on Tuesday mornings and during the day and early evening on Wednesdays or with financial contributions), your help will be deeply appreciated. Also, as part of our ongoing effort for good stewardship at various levels, Aquia’s Table will prepare a maximum total of 400 meals on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, and Aquia’s Pantry will distribute groceries to a maximum of 140 households each week.


BUSY BAGS: Busy bags are available in the historic church for our youngest members. A child’s Bible, activity pages, drawing paper, and crayons are available in canvas bags when you enter the church. Please take one bag per family and return it after the service ends.


NURSERY AVAILABLE: Our nursery, located on the lower level of the Christian Formation and Fellowship Building (just across the hallway from the elevator), is available for the 10:30 a.m. worship service, with coverage provided by caring, trained, and experienced staff—plus lots of toys, diapers and wipes, a pack-and-play, and whatever else your child or grandchild might need.


ELECTRONIC BROADCASTS: We offer broadcasts of Sunday morning worship at 7:30 a.m., Morning Prayer on most weekdays at 8:00 a.m., and our midweek Bible studies as well. These broadcasts are particularly helpful for those who are unable to attend in person due to illness, travel, or work. The broadcasts are available online at our church’s Facebook page, which is <>. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still access the broadcasts simply by clicking on the given occasion. Also, you do not have to watch the event live; the videos are stored there for your viewing at any subsequent time that is more convenient for you.


If you want to be added to our e-mail distribution list for weekly announcements and special updates or for the monthly Cross Section newsletter, simply notify Sue Selz in the church office ( or 540-659-4007).