The service of Choral Evensong is a uniquely Anglican take on the ancient service of Vespers, or 'Evening Prayer'; and the term 'Evensong' itself even appeared in Cranmer's 1549 Book of Common Prayer. It is an entirely choral-led service often performed weekly in Cathedrals and larger churches throughout England and the United States. In it's most basic form, a typical Evensong will always include the opening 'Versicle and Responses', the 'Magnificat' (Song of Mary) and the 'Nunc Dimittis' (Song of Simeon). We also use Evensong as an opportunity to invite experienced choral singers from the larger community to join us for this unique service. Interested singers or music directors should contact our Director of Music.

Advent Carol Service
The Advent Carol Service is a choral led celebration of the Season of Advent that takes place at 4:00 PM on the Second Sunday of Advent. While following a similar format to the traditional 'Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols' popular in Cambridge, England, our service differs in that scripture references draw only from texts appropriate for the season of Advent. (Cambridge's offering includes both Christmas and Advent, as it is always broadcast on Christmas Eve). The service offers a chance to chant the Lucernarium (service of light), and a combination of nine scripture readings and musical selections chosen to reflect on the scripture readings. Musical selections include congregational hymns appropriate to the season, choral led anthems and Gregorian chant. As with Evensong, we invite experienced choral singers from the larger community to join us for this unique service. Interested singers or music directors should contact our Director of Music.