When a Christian reaches a level of greater spiritual maturity, usually not before the physical age of 13 years, he or she should assume personal responsibility for the vows of Holy Baptism and resolve to deepen his or her commitment to a life of following Christ, through spiritual growth and service within the Church. Following a period of focused preparation, including study and service, the Bishop confirms the candidates for Confirmation. Once confirmed (and upon reaching the age of 16 years) one has the right to vote in all meetings of the congregation and may be nominated and elected to various offices of the parish and of the greater Episcopal community. Please contact the Church Office to begin planning a Confirmation.

Reception into the Episcopal Church.
All Christians of other denominations who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Trinity, who have as adults made a prior affirmation of their baptism vows and who wish to be received "into the fellowship of this Communion," shall be presented to the Bishop for Reception. These persons who wish to make Aquia Church their spiritual home, should seriously and prayerfully consider being Received into the Episcopal Church. These persons will be asked to enroll as candidates for Reception, participating in the same period of study and service as those who are preparing for Confirmation and the Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows.